A. 工商皆本思想产生,平等观念深入人心
B. 重农抑商政策松弛,自然经济解体
C. 商品经济发展,明清时期社会流动频繁
D. 政府的赋税改革加重了农民的负担
You have recently created and distributed RDP files for a certain RemoteApp program. However,you findthat the application performs poorly and needs to be migrated to a more powerful server. What should youdo to ensure that users can connect to the RemoteApp program after it is migrated?()
A. Create a new TS Web Access site for the new terminal server and publish the application to the newsite.
B. Re-create an RDP file for the RemoteApp program after the migration and distribute the file to users.
C. Modify the properties of the existing RDP file and re-distribute the file to users.
D. In TS RemoteApp Manager on the old terminal server, change the Terminal Server settings so that the server name listed is the new terminal server.
目前我国还没有建立完善的事故应急救援体系,事故的应急救援工作也还没有专门机构负责。《国务院关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》对事故应急救援体系的建立提出了要求:在现有的安全生产监督管理体制基础上,用()年的时间,分( )步建立国家级生产安全应急救援体系。()
A. 2,2
B. 3,3
C. 2,3
D. 3,2