A. 低钙性惊厥
B. 高渗性脱水
C. 等渗性脱水
D. 低渗性脱水
E. 胃肠功能紊乱
A. 成熟 过度
B. 规范 关联
C. 优美 补充
D. 完善 缓冲
You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at Xxx .The Xxx network consists of a domain named xxx .Xxx has acquired a new server named XXX-EX01 that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.What actions must you take to allow the employees to access XXX-EX01 via the Internet by utilizing Exchange ActiveSync?()
A. You must enable recipient filtering.
B. You must use Send connectors.
C. You must use the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory’s external URL and change it.
D. You must use DNS forwarding.