Your network uses IPv4.You install a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 at a branch office. The server is configured with two network interfaces. You need to configure routing on the server at the branch office.Which two actions should you perform?()
A. Install the Routing and Remote Access Services role service.
B. Run the netsh ras ip set access ALL command.
C. Run the netsh interface ipv4 enable command.
D. Enable the IPv4 Router Routing and Remote Access option.
A. d=D-B
B. d=D-4B
C. d=D-2B
D. d=D-3B
A. 是社会主义法治的根本要求
B. 是党和国家的根本所在、命脉所在
C. 是全国各族人民的利益所系、幸福所系
D. 是全面推进依法治国的题中应有之义