

A. 治安拘留
B. 责令停产停业
C. 罚款
D. 吊销营业执照
E. 暂扣许可证


A retailer is considering deploying an online transaction application on xSeries to serve their buyers. The server will need no more than four processors and will run on Red Hat Linux AS. The storage requirement is for 5TB of usable storage, and the maximum memory requirement is 4GB of RAM. Which solution will provide the best price and performance while maintaining fault tolerance?()

An x260 with dual fault tolerant ServeRAID adapters and 12 internal drives
B. An x366 with dual fault tolerant NICs with a single Fibre HBA directly attached to a DS4300 with three EXP710s fully populated with 146GB Fibre Drives
C. An x366 with dual fault tolerant NICs and two Fibre HBAs directly attached to a DS4300 Turbo with three EXP700s fully populated with 146GB drives
D. An x445 server with dual fault tolerant HBAs and a DS4500 with two additional EXP710s fully populated with 146GB Drive


A. 巴尔扎克
B. 莫泊桑
C. 欧·亨利
D. 契诃夫

Consider the following code snippet: BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE ( name => ,,lne_job1, attribute => ,,job_priority, value => 1); END; / If this code were executed, which of the following statements would be true?()

A. The priority of the lne_job1 job would be set to 1.
B. The lne_job1 job would be executed synchronously.
C. The lne_job1 job would run immediately in the users current session.
D. The lne_job1 job would retain its current priority.
E. The job will immediately take priority over all running jobs.

2010年10月5日,在保险代理人王某的游说下,吴某填写了投保书和健康告知书,投保100万元保额的投连险和200万元保额的附加意外伤害保险,并向保险公司缴纳了相当于首期保险费的11944元。保险公司向其出具了临时收款凭证。10月17日,吴某按保险公司要求参加体检。次日凌晨1时左右吴某在车祸中身亡。事故当天保险公司收到吴某的体检报告。因投保金额较高,保险公司在对吴某进行生存调查时方得知吴某已身故。根据情况回答下列问题。 代理人王某游说吴某购买保险的行为性质属于()。

A. 要约
B. 要约邀请
C. 承诺
D. 反要约
