A. 喉炎
B. 水痘
C. 乙型脑炎
D. 麻疹
E. 流行性腮腺炎
Your test database is configured to run in NOARCHIVELOG mode. One of the data files in the USERS tablespace is lost due to a media failure. You notice that all the online redo logs have been overwritten sincethe last backup. What would you do to recover the data file()
A. Take the USERS tablespace offline and re-create the lost data file.
B. Shut down the instance, restore the data file from the last consistent backup, and restart the databaseinstance.
C. Shut down the instance, restore all the database files from the last consistent backup, and restart thedatabase instance.
D. Take the USERS tablespace offline, restore all the data files of the USERS tablespace from the lastconsistent backup, and make the tablespace online
A. 小张订婚时按照双方的商定送给女方5万元的礼金
B. 由于车源紧销,小陈在买车时为了能立即提车而同意向4S店多支付1万元
C. 某公司为了确保员工在下一年继续在该公司上班,扣留部分工资至第二年发放
D. 小李在看中某套二手房后向房东支付了2万元,双方约定,在一周内房东将此房出售给小李