You completed your Java procedure for your external Java function activity, and you now want todeploy this to your server. What would you do to deploy the Java procedure?()
A. take the Java sources (.java) files and include them in your $APPL_TOP
B. take the Java sources (.java) files and include them in your CLASSPATH
C. take the Java classes (.class) files and include them in your $APPL_TOP
D. take the Java classes (.class) files and include them in your CLASSPATH
A. 纳税信用信息包括纳税人信用历史信息、税务内部信息、外部信息
B. 银行、工商提供的不良记录将直接影响纳税信用评价
C. 税务内部信息共有4个一级指标
D. 如果发现纳税人在不同部门之间存在提供信息不对称的情形,在信用评价时直接扣11分