

A. 哌替啶镇痛效能是吗啡的1/10,作用时间也较吗啡短
B. 大量重复应用哌替啶出现神经毒性反应
C. 哌替啶可用于长期慢性疼痛和癌性疼痛
D. 哌替啶适用于急性疼痛、术后镇痛
E. 哌替啶口服吸收差,也不宜皮下注射



A. 袁
B. 方
C. 程
D. 辛


Companycom is planning a p5 595 running AIX 5L 5.3 LPARs. They would like to design the system using physical resources with maximum resource efficiency. One LPAR requires a peak load of 30 processors during the week with a low of 1 processor required on the weekend. The other LPAR requires only a single processor most of the time, but needs at least 24 processors at the beginning of the weekend to finish its weekly processing in the window allocated. Which of the following solutions is most appropriate to continuously maximize resource use for these two LPARs?()

A. Dynamic LPAR
B. Workload Manager
C. Partition Load Manager
D. Shared Processor Pool


A. 八珍汤合左归饮
B. 膈下逐瘀汤
C. 血府逐瘀汤
D. 通窍活血汤
E. 身痛逐瘀汤
