

A. 北美自由贸易区
B. 世界贸易组织
C. 布雷顿森林体系
D. 北大西洋公约组织



A. 正确
B. 错误



A. F3=退出
B. F9=重复
C. F4=列表
D. F10=提交

The configuration of a Web Services Security management (WSSM) Partner allows for the specification of XSL mapping rules. What is the input and output of these XSL mapping rules?()

A. The input to the XSL mapping rules of a WSSM Partner is the binary security token as received on the Web Service request. The output of the mapping rules is a new security token ready for use by the Web Service application.
B. The input to the XSL mapping rules of a WSSM Partner is an STSUniveralUser XML document created from the security token received on the Web Service request. The output of the mapping rules is an arbitrary collection of attributes that will be made available to the Web Services application.
C. The input to the XSL mapping rules of a WSSM Partner is an STSUniveralUser XML document created from the security token received on the Web Service request. The output of the mapping rules is a new STSUniversalUser XML document that represents the security token required by the application.
D. The input to the XSL mapping rules of a WSSM Partner is an STSUniveralUser XML document created from the security token received on the Web Service request. The output of the mapping rules is an IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business credential that will be used to authorize the partner's access to the Web Service application.
