
Section C 11.About how many adult Americans have the “weight problem”?________________________ percent.12. In many peoples opinion, what is the cause of getting fat?Eating _____________________.13. Why were the Americans in 1910 thinner than today?Because they worked ______________________physically.14. What was the result of a recent study?Thinner people are more ___________________ than fatter people .15. According to the passage, what happens to those who exercise regularly?They can eat more, and still lose a large amount of ________________________ .


践行社会主义核心价值观人切实做到() 、修德、明辨、笃实。

以下程序的输出结果是。#include#include<string.h>main(){char arr[2][4];strcpy(arr,"you"); strcpy(arr[1],"me");arr[0][3]='&';printf("%s\n",arr);}

A. you&me
B. you
C. me
D. err

以下程序的输出结果是。#includemain(){ char ch[7]={"12ab56"};int i,s=0;for(i=0;ch[i]>='0'&&ch[i]<='9';i+=2)s=10*s+ch[i]-'0';printf("%d\n",s);}

A. 1
B. 1256
C. 12ab56
D. ’1’


A. 品质均匀、强度高
B. 防火性能好
C. 有一定的塑性和韧性,具有承受冲击和振动荷载的能力
D. 可以焊接和铆接
