以下程序的运行结果是________。struct num{int x;char c;};void func(struct num b){b.x=20;b.c='y';}int main(){struct num a={10,'x'};func(a);printf("%d,%c",a.x,a.c);return 0;}
均方值Ψx2与均值μx、方差σx2的关系是Ψx2=μx2-σx2。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错
Lily likes ________ and ________ , so she chooses Guilin
A. mountain
B. hill
C. river
D. old town
Xiao Ming is interested in __________ and ___________, so he wants to visit the Bird's Nest.
A. grassland
B. architecture
C. sports
D. city