
2. Fillin each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb. (如果一道题有两个空,请用逗号隔开;注意大小写)1) British law requires that all children attend school _____ the ages of 5 and 16.2) Many other countries model their schools _____ British schools, and _____ good reason.3) _____ assembly or field trip days, a white shirt and dark tie replace the casual tee shirt.4) Regardless_____ a student’s score, he or she will move on to the next level of schooling.5) _____completion of the exams, some students leave school and go straight to work6) Those preparing_____ university take advanced courses _____ one to five subjects.7) Like William,some British teenagers take a year _____ before college to have a break.8) Most universitystudents live _____ campus in small single rooms.


批判性思维的形式主要包括误导内容、质疑有争议的论据、在争论中识别假象。( )

A. 对
B. 错

1.视觉协调出现的主要标志是 ( )

A. 能伸手抓到东西
B. 看到喜欢的东西会手舞足蹈
C. 一抓到东西就不放,且将它塞到嘴里
D. 不断地把成人放在他手上的物体扔到地上

2.3岁儿童( )。

A. 能辨别以别人为基准的左右
B. 能辨别以自身为中心的左右
C. 能辨别前后
D. 能辨别上下

3.新生儿爱听( )。

A. 低音调的声音
B. 高音调的声音
C. 强烈的声音
D. 中音调的声音
