
Translate theparagraphinto Chinese.Education is not just about teaching academic facts and acquiring knowledge in a specific field, though that by itself is important. College education, in particular, is something which has to guide and shape the developing teenager on the threshold of adulthood. Hence, it has to offer all those tangible and intangible benefits which would help you in your real-life world building a great career. College education helps to get you ready for a profession that has been your dream all along. The knowledge and skills that you gain in college, the network of peers and superiors, the life-skills that you learn from interacting with them and others around you aid you in getting more equipped to plan and shape a fantastic future career.



A. 生产力水平大幅提高
B. 生产资料开始有了剩余
C. 人类不再依靠大自然而生
D. 环境开始遭受破坏


A. 野猪
B. 果树
C. 干旱
D. 水土流失


A. 生产力不够发达
B. 环境破坏严重
C. 人口增长过快
D. 政治不稳定
E. 都不对


A. 锄头
B. 水稻
C. 家猪
D. 公路
