


The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.

A. predictable
B. unfavourable
C. warm
D. excellent

In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. In fact, they already borrow ideas and concepts from one another.

A. becoming gas
B. strengthening
C. becoming sharper
D. disappearing

In 1890 he proposed that evolution was irreversible: that “an organism is unable to return, even partially, to a previous stage already realised in the ranks of its ancestors.

A. that can not be undone
B. that can be changed
C. than can become worse
D. that can not be prevented

In the second half of the 18th century, we already find advocates of this view, such as Joseph Priestley, whose Rudiments of English Grammar (1761) insists that 'the custom of speaking is the original and only just standard of any language'.

A. standards
B. supporters
C. customers
D. researchers
