
【判断题】 江苏菜即淮扬菜,素有“东南第一佳味,天下之至美”之美誉。

A. 对
B. 错


完形填空(如果选择A,就在填空处填写A)On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three,1my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it2over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down, 3 to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of 4with lots of unexpected challenges (挑战). We went from the “haves” to the “have-nots”. Or so we thought.5 what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of 6 difficulties. We came to learn that something 7could happen in a disaster. All over the world people8 Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third weekin a9center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of 10had been received and sorted.As 11 , we opened letter after letter. They gave us 12and became a source of strength for us. We used them to 13ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with “Funny” if we needed a 14, or to the “Disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or15in bed living happily and16.These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so 17we offer one of them to you.Dear Chris,My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your18accident last week. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this 19challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you 20.Yours Sincerely,Nancy Reaga1.A.since B. before C. when D. while2. A. walked B. climbed C. pulled D. jumped3. A. able B. unableC. suitable D. unsuitable4. A. disability B. possession C.inconvenienceD. experience5. A. So B. For C. Or D. Yet6.A. sharingB. separating C. fearing D. exploiting7. A. terrible B. similar C. wonderfulD. practical8. A. wrote for B. cared forC. hoped for D. sent for9.A. medical B. postal C. experimental D. mental10.A. news B. paper C. equipment D. mail11. A. patients B. a family C. nurses D. a group12. A. effect B. effort C. comfort D. explanation13.A. encourageB. express C. control D. treat14. A. cry B. laughC. chat D. sigh15. A. much B. never C. even D. seldom16.A. bitterly B. fairly C. weakly D. successfully17.A. hereB. there C. therefore D. forward18. A. driving B. flying C. running D. riding19. A. technical B. different C. difficult D. valuable20. A. nearby B. close C. busy D. alive

甲乙约定卖方甲负责将所卖货物运送至买方乙指定的仓库,甲如约交货,乙验收收货,但甲未将产品合格证和原产地证明文件交给乙,乙已经支付80%的货款。交货当晚,因山洪暴发,乙仓库内的货物全部毁损。关于该材料采购的说法,正确的是( )。

A. 乙应当支付剩余20%的货款
B. 甲未交付产品合格证和原产地证明构成违约,应承担货物损失
C. 乙有权要求解除合同,并要求甲返还已支付的80%货款
D. 甲有权要求乙支付剩余的20%货款,但应补交已毁损的货物

某承包商向水泥厂购买袋装水泥,并按合同约定支付了全部货款。因运输公司的原因导致水泥交货延误两天,承包商收货后要求水泥厂支付违约金,水泥厂予以拒绝。承包商认为已经是水泥厂违约,所以未对收货所堆放的水泥采取任何保护措施。次日大雨,水泥受潮全部硬化。此损失应由( )承担。

A. 三方共同
B. 水泥厂
C. 承包商
D. 运输公司

国际物资采购的法律依据中,常用的国际条约是指( )。

A. 《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》
B. 《跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP600)》
C. 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》
D. 《保护工业产权的巴黎公约》
