A. He spent too much at supermarkets.
B. He ordered too many takeaways.
C. He didnt know how to cook.
D. He lost his job and had no money
A. 1) 各模块的业务管理规程 management rules of different project operation modules
B. 2) 考核奖惩管理规章 rules of evaluation, reward and punishment
C. 3) 财务管理规章 regulations of finance management
D. 4) 人事管理规章 rules of HR management
E. 5) 行政、后勤管理规章 rules of administration and logistics management
F. 6) 日常管理规章 rules of routine management
A. 1) 高级管理者 Senior Management
B. 2) 职能管理者 Functional Management
C. 3) 项目管理者 Project Management
D. 4) 赞助方 Sponsor
A. 正确;
B. 错误;