
Holonyak's colleagues thought he would fail in his research on LEDs at the time when he started it.

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements about the theory or evolution is true?

A. Government entities support AIBS's effort to defend the theory of evolution.
B. School boards oppose AIBS's effort to defend the theory of evolution.
C. AIBS and school boards advocate the teaching of the theory of evolution.
D. The theory of evolution and that of creationism co-exist peacefully in schools.


A. 是否有正确的精神上的追求和人生目标
B. 是否有正确的道德追求和物质目标
C. 是否有正确的精神上的信仰和终极目标
D. 是否有正确的思想指导和成功的事业


A. definite
B. possible
C. clear
D. sure


A. 参观
B. 阅览
C. 欣赏
D. 思考
