There is no doubt that this new type of tire______a major advance in road safety; you feel
A. illustrates
B. exhibits
C. demonstrates
D. represents
A.Because many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited.B.Because old
A. Because many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited.
Because old houses are much cheaper.
C. Because many older couples sell their houses after their children leave.
D. Because more and more people are choosing to rent comfortable apartments.
The purpose of the author in writing the text is to ______.
A. urge active participation in online business
B. elaborate on various marketing strategies
C. compare Web business with traditional commerce
D. illustrate the transition from the push to pull strategy
A. 办理该建筑工程用地批准手续
B. 在城市规划区的建筑工程,已经取得建设工程规划许可证
C. 施工场地已经基本具备施工条件,需要拆迁的,其拆迁进度符合施工要求
D. 已经确定施工企业。按照规定应该招标的工程没有招标,应该公开招标的工程没有公开招标,或者肢解发包工程,以及将工程发包给不具备相应资质条件的,所确定的施工企业无效
E. 有满足施工需要的施工图纸及技术资料,施工图设计文件已按规定进行了审查