A. 甲公司系国内外贸自营出口企业,超过80%的营业收入来自向美国的出口,其商品销售价格主要受美元的影响,以美元计价
B. 乙企业80%的经营收入都以人民币计价并结算
C. 丙企业的人工成本、原材料以及相应的厂房设施、机器设备等95%以上在国内采购并以人民币计价,丙企业取得美元营业收入在汇回国内时直接换成了人民币存款,且丙企业对美元波动产生的外币风险进行了套期保值
D. 丁企业对外融资的90%以人民币计价并存入银行,企业超过80%的营业收入以人民币计价,其商品销售价格主要受人民币的影响,以人民币计价
What can we infer from the text?
A. People are sure about the causes of the lean.
B. People agree that Leaning Tower must be reconstructed.
C. People have not given up the idea to save Leaning Tower.
D. Galileo did the experiment and did harm to the Tower.
B. If
C. So
D. But
When did the Tower begin to lean?
At the beginning of its construction.
B. In the middle of its construction.
C. When the construction was finally finished.
D. Nobody knows about it.
Over the past few years medical researchers______for a means of controlling the virus.
A. have searching
B. are searching
C. have been searching
D. search