
听力原文:M: How are your driving lessons going?
W: I'm not taking lessons anymore.
M: You're not? I thought you wanted to get your driver's license this summer. Didn't you sign up for a 6-week course?
W: Yes, but after two weeks the driving instructor asked me not to come back.
M: I've never heard of a case like that. What about the remaining money?
W: Oh, The school gave my money back for the remaining 4 weeks.
M: Why was that? Didn't you get on well with the driving instructor?
W: No, he seemed like such a nice man. At first we got along well.
M: Then what happened?
W: I had the second accident and after that he got a little unfriendly.
M: The second accident?
W: And after that they asked me to stop coming. I really don't understand it.
M: I think I do.

A. One-third.
B. One-half.
C. Two-thirds.
D. All.



A. 暂时失活
B. 吸收加快
C. 排泄加速
D. 转运加快
E. 代谢加快


A. 保护和排泄
B. 排泄和调节体温
C. 排泄和感受外界刺激
D. 保护和感受外界刺激


A. 河南偃师二里头宫殿遗址
B. 浙江余姚河姆渡遗址
C. 陕西临潼姜寨遗址
D. 陕西岐山凤雏村遗址


A. 隔资合同
B. 融资租赁合同
C. 租赁合同
D. 融资承担合同
