Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few minutes later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
"Heavens!" the officer said. "Has that silly man shot himself ?"
He ran behind the wall anxiously, but Peter was still all right. "I'm sorry, sir", he said, "but I missed again".
Why did Peter Judd join the army?
A. In order to be a good soldier.
B. In order to be good at shooting.
C. In order to make friends.
D. We don't know.
A. 建设工程施工由于受技术、经济条件限制,对环境的污染不能控制在规定范围内的,建设单位可以根据实际情况不用负担环境污染的责任
B. 任何单位和个人都不得擅自改变城市绿化规划用地性质或者破坏绿化规划用地的地形、地貌、水体和植被
C. 任何单位和个人都不得擅自,占用城市绿化用地;占用的城市绿化用地,应当限期归还。因建设或者其他特殊需要临时占用城市绿化用地,须经城市人民政府城市绿化行政主管部门同意,并按照有关规定办理临时用地手续
D. 施工单位应当遵守国家有关环境保护的法律规定,采取措施控制施工现场的各种粉尘、废气、废水、固定废弃物以及噪声、振动对环境的污染和危害
E. 工程建设重大事故,系指在工程建设过程中由于责任过失赞成工程倒塌或报废、机械设备毁坏和安全设施不当造成人身伤亡或者重大经济损失的事故