The common weakness in memorising lists of vocabulary is that you will NOT:
A. Remember the words properly
B. Understand the words properly
C. Learn lots of words
Trying to explain wht you mean, even if you cannot find the right word, is a good skill. This is known as___
A. Paraphrasing
B. Escaping
C. Lying
IELTS speaking tests expect
A. General everyday knowledge
B. Specialist subject knowledge
Complete knowledge of all topics
《资本论》以剩余价值为中心,对资本主义进行了彻底的批判,其作者是( )。
A. 李嘉图
B. 韦伯
C. 马克思
D. 恩格斯
《资本论》的前三卷逻辑严密,涉及人物的内容比较少。( )
A. 对
B. 错