A. Hard court
B. Lawn court
以下哪些与Easter 复活节有关
A. Easter chocolate eggs
B. Easter bunny
C. Roast Lamb
D. Easter pudding
Easter Weekend
A. 英国是一个宗教信仰多元化的国家,人民有宗教信仰自由。
B. 英国的国教是天主教。
C. 玛丽女王是一位狂热的天主教徒,她在任期间曾严厉打压新教徒。
D. 英格兰官方信仰是基督教,由英国国教教会负责宣扬。
E. 苏格兰官方信仰是苏格兰基督教长老会。
A. During the week before Christmas Day, they send cards, watch nativity plays and go to carol services.
B. Many Christians will go to church with their best clothes to sing carols and to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve is traditionally the day for decorating churches and homes.
D. Watch the Queen’s Christmas Message.
Enjoy pantomime (哑剧表演) is a British Christmas tradition.
F. Boxing day