A. 对
B. 错
6.4.1What are the common nouns and adverbs that go with the v.“develop”? complete the sentences with the nouns and adverbsin the box, so that they form appropriate collocations with the v.“develop”.(1)Theydevelopa romantic_________and finally marry.(2)Back pain can occur suddenly, but more oftendevelops_________.(3)A seed is not a________developedplant.(4)The PowerPC was_______developedby Apple, IBM, and Motorola.(5)Developinga strategic______is essential in digital marketing.(6)In recent decades, developmental biologists have been researching anddeveloping_________to facilitate same-sex reproduction.(7)One school is currentlydevelopingan activity recording_______.(8)However, some birds havedeveloped_________for keeping cool.(9)Automobiles were______developedas self-propelled versions of horse-drawn vehicles.(10)The brains of young children change anddevelop_______.
执行以下语句后a的值为( ),b的值为( )。int a = 5, b = 6, w = 1, x =2, y = 3, z = 4;(a = w > x) && (b = y > z);1:A.5B.0C.2D.12:A.6B.0C.1D.4
A. 大大加强了启蒙思想家所宣扬的“革命权力”的思想。
B. 开创了以一部成文宪法作为政府合法性的基础和对政府权力的制衡先例。
C. 对法国大革命的到来产生了重要的催产作用。