I think we can solve this problem without ____legal action. 我认为我们可以不诉诸法律就解决这个问题。
I decided to ignore the rumor as I did not want anything to ____me from writing the paper. 我决定对谣言不予理睬,因为我不希望有任何事打扰我写论文。
You should____for him; he’s been quite ill recently. 你应该体谅他,他最近身体相当不适。
The health-care system is in tremendous ____at the moment, but unfortunately not all of the changes are positive for patients. 医疗保健系统目前正处于重大转变期,可是很不幸,不是所有的改变都对病人有利。
The European Union has issued ____for appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers. 欧盟已发布有关支付兼职体力劳工适当酬劳的指导原