
【单选题】STM32F1xx的NVIC用4位数字对NMI中断的抢占和响应优先级分组,共有几组模式( )。

A. 2组
B. 4组
C. 5组
D. 6组


【单选题】STM32F1xx处理器有8个16位定时器,其中TIM2定时器的类型是( )。

A. 高级控制定时器
B. 基本定时器
C. 通用定时器
D. 以上都不正确

下列关于STM32F1的说法,正确的是( )。

A. STM32F1的各个收发器外设的工作时钟来源于不同的APB总线
B. STM32F103VE型号MCU共有16个定时器,编号为TIM1~TIM16
C. STM32F1只允许定时中断

【多选题】假设STM32的3个中断优先级如下设置, 中断源 抢占优先级 响应优先级 X 3 2 Y 2 2 Z 2 3 则下述说法正确的是( )。

A. X中断能打断正在执行的Y中断
B. Y中断能打断正在执行的X中断
C. Y、Z两个中断能互相打断
D. Y、Z两个中断同时到来时,CPU先响应Y中断

Pair work: Work with your partner to complete the following dialogues, using the words and phrases in brackets. Make changes or additions where necessary.1. A: Why will oil cease to be the No. 1 problem of our time?B: The dawn of a new energy era is ____ . Oil prices are ____ because solar power is becomingcheaper. Besides, improvements in energy _____, while helping to create a clean _____ , are reducing waste and the demand for oil. (go down, environment, around the corner, efficiency)2. A: Why isn't it easy to solve the water problem?B: Because water is far _____ than energy. No other _____ water, so it is impossible to find _____ it. Besides, water demand is rising, but water supply is fluctuating as a result of climate change. (resource, complicated, alternative, replace)3. A: Why is it important for us to conserve water?B: Water is going to be the most contentious _____ of the 21st century. It will trigger geopolitical _____ . That's why water _____ is not only ____ our economy but also a task of _____ importance. (conservation, in the interest of, conflict, strategic, resource)
