新生儿娩出后1min内情况是:心率92次/分,无呼吸,四肢稍屈,刺激咽喉部稍有反应,但无咳嗽,躯干红,四肢紫,新生儿评分应得( )
A. 10分
B. 8分
C. 6分
D. 4分
E. 2分
临产后子宫收缩的特点不包括( )
A. 对称性
B. 极性
C. 节律性
D. 宫缩是从子宫底部开始
E. 缩复作用
分娩即将开始的较可靠的征象是( )
A. 阴道流出血性粘液
B. 子宫底降低
C. 胎动活跃
D. 尿中绒毛膜促性腺激素增高
E. 先露已入盆
每题填大写字母序号即可 (A.B.C.D.)Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:1.…gray clouds scudded in from the Gulf on the rising wind.A. go smoothlyB. go straight and fastC. go up and down D. go violently2.One wall began crumbling on the marooned group.A. stay brave and alongB. leave hopefulC. stay helpless D. leave helpless and alone3.…and 709 small businesses were demolished or severely damaged.A. destroyB. reduceC. increaseD. beat4.Debris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed.A. small individual partsB. completely good placesC. well preserved piecesD. scattered broken pieces5.We can prop it up with our heads and shoulders!A. supportB. placeC. suspendD. propose