
If a method does not contain any parameters, you must invoke it with a pair of empty parentheses.

A. false
B. true


When you invoke a method with a parameter, the value of the argument is passed to the parameter. This is referred to as _________.

A. pass by name
B. pass by value
C. method invocation
D. pass by reference

The actual parameters of a method must match the formal parameters in type, order, and number.

A. true
B. false

Given the following method static void nPrint(String message, int n) {while (n > 0) {System.out.print(message);n--;} }

A. r> What is k after invoking nPrint("A message", k)? int k = 2; nPrint("A message", k);
B. 2
C. 0
D. 1
E. 3


A. 市场的全球化
B. 产品生命周期的日益缩短
C. 顾客需求的日益多样化
D. 大规模的生产
