
The paper deals with the events in historical (sequence).

A. 顺序
B. 胜利
C. 路线
D. 力量


A Swiss Army knife isn't a thing of beauty, but it does have a lot of (utility).

A. 想法
B. 功用
C. 素材
D. 机制

The survey found a wide (variation) in the prices charged for canteen food.

A. 限制
B. 阻止
C. 集中
D. 变化

The eye is one of the most (delicate) organs of the body.

A. 娇弱的
B. 肥沃的
C. 保守的
D. 无限的

She looked up with a puzzled (frown) on her face.

A. 包围
B. 修改
C. 皱眉
D. 消耗
