

A. 数据:1、01、0x1都是Java 语言中的整型常量
B. 浮点型数 12.456 是单精度的
C. 布尔型常量只有两个可选值 :true false
D. 字符串常量含有结束符‘\0′


The number 1100 in BCD is()

A. equal to decimal eight
B. equal to decimal ten
C. equal to decimal twelve
D. invalid

The term bit means()

A. a small amount of data
B. a 1 or a 0
C. binary digit
D. both answers (b) and()

Verilog HDL is a()

A. logic device
B. hardware
C. computer language
D. programming logic device

The fractional binary number 0.11 has a decimal value of()

A. ¼
B. ½
C. ¾
D. none of the above
