
东大公司于2010年3月1日对一经营租出的建筑物进行改扩建,该建筑物的原价为2 500万元,原预计使用年限为20年,预计净残值为100万元,采用年限平均法计提折旧,改扩建前已累计计提折旧600万元,已计提减值准备100万元。在改扩建过程中领用工程物资360万元,发生改扩建人员薪酬140万元,用银行存款支付其他费用100万元。 该建筑物于2010年6月30日达到预定可使用状态。东大公司对改扩建后的建筑物仍采用年限平均法计提折旧,改造后的预计尚可使用年限为20年,预计净残值为120万元。2010年12月31日,该建筑物的可收回金额为2 145万元,预计净残值为零。2011年12月31日的可收回金额为2 250万元。2012年3月25日东大公司将该建筑物对外出售,收到2 200万元,假定不考虑相关税费。要求:(1)计算建筑物改扩建后的入账价值并编制相关会计分录;(2)计算2010年建筑物改造后应计提的折旧额并编制2010年末的会计分录。(3)编制东大公司2011、2012年上述经济业务的相关会计分录。(答案以万元表示)



A. 常电不经过保险,直接从低压蓄电池供电
B. 常电的电源来自于低压蓄电池
C. 常电可以让模块在关闭点火开关的时候记录故障数据
D. 常电可以让模块在不打开点火开关的情况下接收部分信号

新能源汽车维修个人防护套装有( )

A. 绝缘鞋
B. 安全帽
C. 绝缘手套
D. 护目镜


Directions:In the boxes below are some of the words and phrases you have learned in this unit. Choose the one that best completes the sentences.1.1.In Britain, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning ___________to them.2.She rang up to __________when her car would be ready.3.When he came out of the water, he was ___________with cold.4.In their last __________with Italy, England won 3-2.5.Hugh ___________his lack of confidence on his mother.6.You wait half an hour for a bus, then three ___________at once!7.At last the economy is showing signs of ___________.8.The talks between the USA and the USSR were very ______________for the relationship between the two countries.9.With blood pouring from his leg, he ___________to a nearby house.10.We had to ___________a nine-hour delay at the airport.11.Don’t worry; I will go and find your child ___________.12.You will be expected to ___________the editor with the selection of illustrations for the book.13.The biggest __________in our way was a tree trunk in the road.14.She ___________the song as though she’d been singing it for years.15.I hope they get the punishment they ________.16.You can watch the trains ___________from this window.17.Migration into the cities is putting a __________on already stretched resources.18.If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will ___________.19.This topic is ___________ at greater length in the following chapter.20.If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you'll see that we're now __________the Tower of London.
