Accordingto the dialog and write down their jobs.I enjoy my job but the working hours aren’t great. I often work till after midnight. Yousee, people come to the restaurant for dinner – usually around 8 or 9 o’clock, havedinner, then they order more drinks, then they want coffee ... The last person usuallyleaves around midnight – and, of course, I can’t go home before they leave. But thepositive thing is – I don’t get up before ten o’clock in the morning. I get to the restaurantbefore lunch so I can prepare ...
Accordingto the dialog and write down their jobs.I work in a small shoe shop in town. I sell men’s shoes. My job’s OK – but I don’t like myboss! And I don’t think he likes me. You see, the shop opens at nine and I – well, I haveproblems getting up in the morning so I’m sometimes late for work. I work from nine tosix – it’s a really long day. And weekends, too! But I always have a day off in the week.And then go shopping!
Accordingto the dialog and write down their jobs.I work in a hospital and people always think I’m a doctor, but I’m not. The hospital isa hectic place in the day but I often work at night, when it’s nice and quiet. I start workat about 6 pm and first we always have a meeting with the doctors. Then I usually walkround and talk to the patients. Working at night can be hard. I’m sometimes really tiredwhen I finish work and I never sleep very well in the day – but, yes, I like my job and I’mnever bored.
Rearrange the letters in the correct order to complete the sentences.把字母排序后得到正确的单词
Read this email that Lily got from a customer.Please can you send me some information about Globalrotter Travel's adventure holidays?My wife and I would like to take a vacation in Mexico. She is very interested in archaeology and wants to see the old temples. I love diving and water sports, so Mexico is perfect for us both. We want to learn about Mexico culture, maybe visit a festival and try some traditional food. When is a good time to visit? (We hate very hot weather!) What's the weather like in the fall? Can you arrange car rental for us?We can come to your office next week. What are the opening hours of your office?Thank you for your help!Peter CarterPeter Carter is Canadian. Find the words he uses for these word in the email:找出邮件中与以下词语意思一样的词holiday = ________________autumn = ________________car hire = ________________