The requirements of offering English in the primary school are _________.
A. Qualified teachers are needed who understand not only the English language but also how children think and learn as children are different in many ways from adolescents and adults.
B. Teacher need to develop special skills in managing,guiding and facilitating children in learning.
Clear goals and objectives for teaching English to children should be established.
D. Positive environment need to be created to provide rich learning resources.
E. To ensure success of teaching foreign language to children,we should follow the same method we used to teach older children and adults.
《女史箴图》是具有代表性工笔人物画,作者是东晋画家( )。
A. 顾恺之
B. 吴道子
C. 唐伯虎
D. 张大千
《清明上河图》的作者是宋代画家( )。
A. 张择端
B. 王希孟
C. 马远
D. 夏圭
中国写意画的用笔来源于( ),在唐代就形成了书画同源的观点。
A. 唐诗
B. 音乐
C. 舞蹈
D. 书法
油画作品即表达了艺术家赋予的思想内容,又展示了油画语言独特的美--( )。
A. 绘画性
B. 观赏性
C. 娱乐性
D. 教育性