
Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable occupations. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants(被告). But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability.The word “liability” most probably means “_”.

A. misfortune
B. instability
C. disadvantage
D. burden


The following paragraphs have main ideas (topic sentences) that may appear at any place within the paragraph. Identify the topic sentence of each paragraph by filling in the correct sentence number.1Often when older children move back home, unpleasant tensions and disagreements arise. 2However, adult children who move back home can avoid family conflicts by following some tips. 3First, they should contribute what theycan—and it need not be in terms of money:Being productive family members will helpthemearntheirkeep.4Thiscaninvolvetutoringorcoachingyounger sistersor brothers, or helping Mom and Dad with chores and errands. 5Second, these "returnees" should not expect their parents to rescue them from difficulties.6As adults, they are responsible for getting out of their ownscrapes—and for trying to avoidtheminthefirstplace.7Last,theymustrespecttheirparents'lifestylesandown needs for independence. 8lt is unrealistic to expect parents'lives to revolve aroundtheneedsofagrownchild,inthemannertheymayhavewhen thechildwas younger.

1Scientists predict that textbooks of the future will be computerized and will thus offer many of the special benefits unique to computers. 2First of all, they say that the books will take the form of small plastic cards that can be inserted into screens the size of paperback novels. 3Viewers will be able to select the size and style of print and automatic page turning, or they may choose to listen to an audio version and just watch the pictures. 4They will be able to zoom in for close-ups of illustrations, which will then fill the screen and rotate for a three-dimensional view, so that medical students, for example, can see all sides of a muscle and how it moves. 5Finally, viewers will be able to interact with materials by typing in critical comments, updating information, and even changing the outcome of a story.

1A major study of firstborn children reveals that they tend to be super-achievers who strive very hard to make their families proud. 2 lt was discovered that of the country's first twenty-three astronauts, an amazing twenty-one were firstborn in theirfamilies.3Also, slightlymorethanhalf— 52percent— ofourpresidentswere firstbornchildren. 4 Lesspositiveisthefactthatfirstbornsareunderalotofpressure to succeed, because their families often pin their hopes and dreams on them. 5Also, as the eldest, they are expected to "set an example" for their younger brothersandsisters. 6 Furthermore, these firstborns sometimes have trouble with personal relationshipsbecause theylearnedtobeveryindependentandtoenjoydoingthings ontheirown—sincetheyweretheonlychildrenintheirfamiliesuntiltheiryounger brothersandsisterswereborn.7Theconclusionofthestudyisthatbeingafirstborn child is a mixed blessing, having positive as well as some negativeaspects.

1Baseball enthusiasts hold softball in low esteem. 2 lt's a picnic game, they argue, with a big, soft ball, shorter base paths, and a pitcher who throws underhand. 3Yet fast-pitch softball can be as intense and dramatic as any baseball game, perhaps moreso.4True,thebasepathsareshorter, butaskanythirdbasemanhowquicklyawell-hit groundball reaches him on softball's smaller diamond. 5True, the pitcher throws underhand, but he stands fifteen feet closer to the plate, and he might hit speeds exceeding eighty miles per hour. 6True, the ball is softer than a baseball, but catch a hard one in the ribs just once, and such knowledge is smallcomfort.
