
She will have my back when I miss.

A. She will support me when I miss.
B. She will help me when I break my back.
C. She will leave me when I turn my back on her.


Sports also help you get along socially.

A. Sports also help you become physically strong.
B. Sports also help you become mentally healthy.
C. Sports also help you become better at interacting with people.

在做退栈运算时,应先判断栈是否( )

A. 空
B. 满
C. 上溢
D. 下溢

当栈中元素为n个,做进栈运算时发生溢出,则说明栈的最大容量为( )。

A. n
B. n-1
C. n+1
D. n/2

一个栈的输入序列为1,2,3,……,n,若输出序列的第一个元素是n,则输出序列的第i(1<=i<=n)个元素是( )。

A. 不确定
B. n-i+1
C. i
D. n-i
