People came ( ) to hear the famous violinist.
A. home and abroad
B. up and down
C. here and there
D. far and wide
He has employed one of the top lawyers to ( ) him.
A. defend
B. protect
C. defeat
D. defense
There are ( ) for cooking in the kitchen.
A. faculty
B. faculties
C. facility
D. facilities
A. 术后12小时
B. 术后24 小时
C. 术后48小时
D. 术后36小时
E. 术后3天
A. 炎症早期脓液未形成者
B. 局部张力大或疼痛剧烈者
C. 结核性脓肿无混合感染者
D. 昏迷或无自主能力者