
The success of the 2010 Shanghai Expo has started us thinking about what a World Expo, or Exposition, is. We want to find out where the idea started and what is special about it.Question: The idea of a World Expo is started in 2010 when an Expo was held successfully in Shanghai.

A. 对
B. 错


Peoplemightdoubtwhethersuchaspacevacationispossible,butonecompany,GalacticSuiteLimited,saysthatamysteriousbillionaire,aspacelover,hasgiven3billionUSdollarstofinancethisproject.Question:Amysterious spacelovergave300,000,000USdollarstofinancespacevacationproject.

A. 对
B. 错

Bill Gates talks to his Big House and receives efficient responses. When he is on the way home, he can ask his house to fill his bathtub with hot water.Question: Bill Gates asks his computer to fill the bathtub with water in order to wash clothes.

A. 对
B. 错

Nokia’s new headquarters is located far outside of downtown Beijing and many workers were not happy for a while about moving so far away. However, since the workers moved into the new building, the low-carbon design has brought them so many surprises that they cannot help falling in love with it.Question: Many of Nokia’s workers are unhappy for a while at first because they don’t like their boss.

A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错
