I am sorry __________ you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipment.
A. cause
B. causing
C. to be caused
D. to have caused
I was just about _________ the office when the phone rang.
A. leaving
B. leave
C. to leave
D. to be leaving
The first thing they had to do was to find something___________.
A. eating
B. eaten
C. to eat
D. to be eating
正当程序是法治思维的基本内容之一,“迟来的正义非正义”,这句古老的西方谚语实际上是指正当程序应当具有:(A.合法性 B.中立性 C.参与性 D.时限性
A. 合法性
B. 中立性
C. 参与性
D. 时限性
权利保障是法治思维的基本内容之一,主要指对公民权利的法律保障,其中公民权利保障的最后防线是:( )
A. 宪法保障
B. 立法保障
C. 行政保障
D. 司法保障