

A. 对
B. 错


In order to successfully manage a project, the project manager must assume the dual roles of manager and leader. As the role of a manager, the following options, except for ( ), are all items that the project manager should focus on.

A. Develop process
B. Unity staff
C. Provide project stakeholders with the desired results
D. Concerned about the organization and its institutions

演示技能的运用可以促进学生观察能力和实验探索能力的发展。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Match the terms in column A with the chinese equivalent in column B.

患者,女,18岁。因再生障碍性贫血入院。查体:体温38.3⁰C,面色苍白,全身皮肤散在出血点。医嘱:胸腺细胞球蛋白0.5g + 0.9%氯化钠100ml, IV, qd。护士为保护及合理使用患者的静脉,选择血管时应

A. 由上到下
B. 由远心端到近心端
C. 先粗大后细小
D. 先细直后弯曲
E. 先右侧后左侧
