
下列方法中,能避免汇率风险环境,完全清除汇率风险的是( )。(5-3+A2)

A. 本币计价法
B. 提前收付法
C. 货币选择法
D. 易货贸易法


The combining form bili- as in bilirubin means .

A. 胆汁
B. 唾液
C. 眼泪
D. 胃液

Gastritis is the inflammation of the .

A. kidney
B. lung
C. stomach
D. heart

The combining form means digestion.

A. cyst(o)-
B. pept(o)-
C. muc(o)-
D. osim(o)-

The integumentary system of the human body is made up of the skin and its like the hair and nails among others.

A. additives
B. adjuncts
C. adductors
D. adhesives
