几名家属进入病室探望患者,责任护士提醒家属:“患者正在休息,请安静”随即又将一根手指放在嘴唇上示意“请安静 ,该动作属于非语言沟通特点中的
A. 重复作用
B. 驳斥作用
C. 替代作用
D. 补强作用
E. 调整作用
Excel中快速填充功能无法实现( )。
A. 对表格数据批量提取
B. 对表格数据批量合并
C. 对表格数据的顺序批量更换
D. 对表格数据批量限定输入
He has displayed ___________courage in his efforts to reform the party.
A. remarkable
B. unremarkable
C. remarkably
D. unremarkably
They are recognized experts in their ___________ fields.
A. respectable
B. respected
C. respective
D. respectively
The football game was ____________ because of the heavy rain.
A. cancel
B. canceled
C. canceling
D. to cancel