
Compare each pair of words or phrases and complete the following sentences with the right one.a good deal of, a large number ofIt is reported that _____________police are in search of the missing child.


Compare each pair of words or phrases and complete the following sentences with the right one.many, muchMy cousins have collected stamps for two years. They have _____________stamps from different countries.

如果遮罩层不包含任何的元素(为空),那么被遮罩层上的元素在发布swf后,在舞台上可见吗( )

A. 不可见
B. 可见
C. 不一定
D. 以上都不对

FLASH中,关于引导路径,下面说法正确的是( )

A. 必须是封闭的
B. 必须是开放的
C. 可封闭,也可开放
D. 以上都不对

flash开发的swf能在最新的flashplayer上播放吗( )

A. 能
B. 不能
C. 不一定
D. 以上都不对
