
简易程序中,有下列( )之一的,不适用调解,交通警察可以在道路交通事故认定书上载明有关情况后。

A. 当事人对道路交通事故认定有异议的
B. 当事人拒绝在道路交通事故认定书上签名的
C. 当事人不同意调解的
D. 双方当事人一致要求的


[音频]Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.1) Which of the following does not change according to Einstein? ______A. TimeB. MassC. Speed of lightD. Length2) The two spaceships mentioned are exactly alike except for ______.A. speedB. colorC. massD. motion3) What does the scientist in the spaceship measure? ______A. The speed of the spaceship.B. The time needed for a beam of light’s travel in the spaceship.C. The speed of the other spaceship.D. The time needed for a beam of light’s travel in the other spaceship.4) What did the scientist in the red ship see or conclude? ______A. His beam of light does not appear to go straight up.B. The beam of light in the blue ship appears to come straight down.C. Time passed more slowly in the red ship.D. The blue ship is shorter than the red one.

以下用来插入一段声音剪辑的命令是( )。

A. 单击“插入”选项卡下“媒体”功能区的“音频”图标
B. 单击“视图”选项卡下“媒体”功能区的“音频”图标
C. 单击“开始”选项卡下“媒体”功能区的“音频”图标
D. 单击“审阅”选项卡下“媒体”功能区的“音频”图标

声音效果设置为在某张幻灯片后结束播放,应该在( )设置。

A. 打开“自定义动画”任务窗格,在该声音文件的“效果选项”对话框中设置
B. 打开“自定义动画”任务窗格,在该声音文件的“计时”框中设置
C. 选定声音图标,在“声音工具”选项卡的“声音选项”中设置
D. 无法设置

在幻灯片上添加声音文件的方法是( )。

A. 单击“插入”→“媒体”→“音频”→“pc上的音频”
B. 单击“插入”→“媒体”→“声音”→“pc上的声音”
C. 单击“插入”→“媒体”→“声音”→“声音文件”
D. 单击“插入”→“媒体”→“音频”→“声音文件”
