

A. 张某发现8月份水费大大高于其他月份,遂到自来水公司询问,自来水公司解释说由于8月份张某所在的楼的总水表流量大大高于各家的分水表流量之和,为维护公司利益,也为了该楼用户以后可以互相监督,所以将差额平摊到各家用户。自来水公司的做法合法吗
B. 王某到某市旅游,在一景点处发现公共厕所很少,并且每人去一次厕所收费10元。公厕收费合法吗
C. 10月份李某得知单位马上派遣他到外地做销售代表一年,遂决定不交今年的采暖费,供暖公司通知李某,由于各家没有单独的阀门,李某即使不交取暖费,也会供热,所以李某必须交纳。李某有权拒绝供暖公司的要求吗
D. 陈某发起成立了“3.15维权会”,为消费者免费提供有关维护消费者权益的法规服务。陈某的行为违法吗



A. 王小虎是18周岁的高三学生,王小虎与同学打架的时候将张小龙的鼻梁打断,王小虎应独自承担赔偿责任,王小虎的父母不承担任何责任
B. 非非是个9岁的小学生,非非的父母由于车祸死亡,非非作为受益人获得了100万元的保险金,非非的祖父李某是非非的监护人,非非邀请同学小丽到家中玩时,不慎用圆规将小丽的眼睛戳瞎,应当从非非的财产中支付小丽的赔偿费用
C. 赵某是个精神病人,但是脾气暴躁,而且力气非常大,赵某的妻子常某是赵某的监护人,赵某身单力薄,常某陪赵某坐出租去医院看病,出租车司机不知道赵某是精神病人,嘲笑了赵某两句,赵某突然向司机猛击,常某尽全力也未能阻止住赵某,赵某将司机打得头破血流,常某不应承担赔偿责任
D. 于小水是名17岁的中学生,于小水与同学孙小伟暑假外出游玩,玩闹时于小水不小心将孙小伟推落栏杆,导致孙小伟摔断了两条腿,于小水的父母和孙小伟的父母未对赔偿数额达成协议,孙小伟向法院起诉,起诉时于小水满了18周岁,于小水没有经济能力,于小水的父母应承担垫付责任

Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
Much research has been done to test a hypothesis(假说) proposed by linguists called the Critical Period Hypothesis. This hypothesis states that if humans do not learn a foreign language before a certain age, perhaps around puberty(青春期), then due to changes such as maturation of the brain, it becomes impossible to learn the foreign language like a native speaker. No definite answer to this hypothesis has been found and it is still debated by researchers, but there is some evidence that this hypothesis is true for acquiring native-like pronunciation even though there is less evidence that it is true for acquiring the grammar or the vocabulary of a foreign language. Even though nobody knows for certain what exactly happens to our brains as we mature, almost everyone agrees that almost all people who learn a foreign language after puberty will always have an accent. That is, native speakers will be able to identify that the person is not a native speaker of that language. The amount of exposure to English is another factor that determines if the students can acquire native-like English pronunciation. At the present time, most Chinese learners of English do not have enough exposure to English to acquire native-like pronunciation.
Due to biological and physiological differences, individual students have different phonetic ability. Some students are more sensitive to and better at imitating sounds than other students. Although a few students can acquire native-like pronunciation, it is unrealistic for the majority of students to do so. However, admitting the difficulty in acquiring native-like pronunciation does not mean that teachers should not encourage students to improve their pronunciation as much as possible.
Some students take great pains to be accurate in pronunciation. This is often clone at the expense of consistency. And the speech produced in this way is not only unnatural but also uncomfortable to hear. When trying to achieve consistency in pronunciation, students do not have to and should not sacrifice intelligibility(理解). Unintelligible speech is useless and may cause unpleasant feelings for both the speaker and the audience.
We can infer from the first paragraph that______.

A. the hypothesis is true for acquiring the vocabulary
B. the hypothesis is true for acquiring the grammar
C. researchers hold different views towards the hypothesis
D. researchers agree on the hypothesis

Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
听力原文: Exercise is beneficial to your heart. A 22-year study was conducted by doctors in California. They found that people who work at physical jobs experience fewer heart attacks than other people. The active people work all the time at moderated speeds. Their daily routine gives them an adequate amount of exercise and helps them stay in shape. However, machines that can do heavy labor more speedily are replacing this type of work.

A. In Africa.
B. In Chicago.
C. In Washington.
D. In California.


A. 施工企业的短期银行借款一般分为无担保借款和担保贷款两大类
B. 无担保借款是指企业凭借自身的信誉从银行获得贷款
C. 信贷额度即贷款限额,是借款企业与银行之间正式或非正式协议规定的允许借款企业向银行借款的最高限额。如果借款企业超过规定限额继续向银行借款,银行则停止办理借款
D. 周转信贷协议是指银行从法律上承诺向企业提供不超过某一最高限额的贷款协议。在协议的有效期内,只要企业的借款总额未超过最高限额,银行必须满足企业任何时候提出的借款要求。企业享用周转信贷协议,通常要对贷款限额的未使用部分付给银行一笔承诺费
E. 偿还条件是指银行要求借款人在银行中保持按贷款限额或实际借用额的一定百分比(通常为10%~20%)计算的最低存款余额
