沥青表面可采用拌和法或层铺法施工,厚度不宜大于25mm。 ()
A. 养护时间宜为14~21d,在混凝土达到设计强度40%以后,可允许行人通行,但车辆禁止通行
B. 混凝土终凝2h后应喷水养护;一般工程不少于7d,重要工程养护不少于14d
C. 气温低于5℃,不得喷水养护
D. 普通硅酸盐水泥配制的喷射混凝土强度低于设计强度的30%时,以及矿渣硅酸盐水泥配制的喷射混凝土强度低于设计强度的40%时,不得受冻
E. 气温低于10℃,不得喷水养护
听力原文:W: My son has got a pain in his ear for days.
M: Let's have a look. Ah yes, he has got something in his ear. I'll have to take.
W: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In the headmaster's office.
B. In a hospital.
C. In a language lab.
D. At twelve o'clock.
集料应按不同尺寸运抵工地,并贮存在相互分开的不同料堆中。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A.Friends.B.Mother and son.C.Husband and wife.D.Shopkeeper and customer.
A. Friends.
B. Mother and son.
C. Husband and wife.
D. Shopkeeper and customer.