The best illustration of the meaning of "trend is not destiny" in Para. 3 is that_____.
A. human beings are blessed with the freedom of social evolution.
B. the world has become too complex for human beings to modify.
C. preventive steps against catastrophes are difficult to be adopted.
D. the earth will soon be overcrowded and its resources exhausted.
女性,37岁。反复发作性干咳、喘息5年,再发加重6天入院。人院查体:T37℃P 120次/分,R 36次/分,BP100/70mmHg。话不成句,烦躁不安,端坐呼吸,1:3唇发绀,双肺满布哮鸣音,动脉血气示pH 7.51,PaCO2 29.6mmHg,PaO248mmHg,HCO3- 25mmHg,FEVl/FVC为43%。最可能的诊断是
A. 支气管哮喘急性发作期
B. 支气管哮喘非急性发作期
C. 喘息型支气管炎迁延期
D. 喘息型支气管炎急性发作期
E. 喘息型慢性支气管炎缓解期