

A. 如果按出现时间看,媒介审判出现的时间是
B. 司法立案后,结案前
C. 司法判决之后
D. 司法判决之前



A. 选举权
B. 荣誉权
C. 隐私权
D. 名誉权


A. 新闻价值是否大
B. 公开采访是否会受到阻挠
C. 是否涉及较大的公共利益
D. 采访对象是否是公众人物


A. 是否按照事物的本来面目反映事物
B. 是否进行了平衡报道
C. 是否将事实与观点严格分开,避免主观倾向
D. 是否有作者观点

翻译,把下列句子翻译成汉语:1、We mentioned the CIA triad: confidentiality, integrity and availability.2、A virus is a program that embeds a copy of itself and inserts those copies into other programs. 3、A worm is a type of virus that uses a network to copy itself onto other computers.4、Cryptography is the study of mathematically encoding and decoding messages.5、Symmetric-key cryptography uses the same cryptographic keys for both encryption of plaintext and decryption of ciphertext.6、In asymmetric key cryptography, each user has a pair of keys that are related mathematically.7、Hash functions, also called one-way encryption or message digests, are algorithms that use no key.8、Quantum cryptography is the science of existing knowledge of physics and quantum mechanics to perform cryptographic tasks in a secure cryptosystem.9、Steganography is the science of concealing information.
