
Since industry and trade are the largest users of electrical energy, using less electricity would mean a reduced industrial capacity and fewer jobs in the affected industries and therefore an unfavourable change in our economic structure.According to this sentence, decreasing the use of electricity .

A. must begin immediately
B. is not important
C. will cause difficulty
D. won’t affect industry


To live is not enough. We need also the joy of living, and joy of living requires health. Yet few of us enjoy true health, or know how to require it. We think that health is merely a passive freedom from disease. We forget that it consists in an active vigor and self-reliance.Which of the following statements is true?

A. To live joyfully is enough.
B. Few of us know how to obtain health.
C. Good health is a passive freedom from disease.
D. Freedom from disease is the end of health.

It is by no means always possible to attach a particular name to scientific developments.

All the scientific developments have their particular names.
B. Every scientific development does not have its particular names.
C. We don't give particular names to scientific developments at all.
D. The scientific developments do not have their particular names.


A. 直击雷;
B. 侵入波;
C. 反击;
D. 直击雷和反击。


A. 避雷针;
B. 避雷器;
C. 保护间隙;
D. 引至出线门型构架的架空地线;
