Fill in the blanks with proper words in the box.阅读中文后,用所给短语填空,完成英文段落。只需填字母(不区分大小写),不用填单词。A. built a bridge for peace and East-West cooperationB. friendly emissariesC. made seven voyages to the Western SeasD. mission of peaceE. Zhang Qian's journey to Western Regions公元前130多年的中国汉代,一支从长安出发的和平使团,开始打通东方通往西方的道路,完成了“凿空之旅”,这就是著名的张骞出使西域。中国唐宋元时期,陆上和海上丝绸之路同步发展,中国、意大利、摩洛哥的旅行家杜环、马可·波罗、伊本·白图泰都在陆上和海上丝绸之路留下了历史印记。15世纪初的明代,中国著名航海家郑和七次远洋航海,留下千古佳话。这些开拓事业之所以名垂青史,是因为使用的不是战马和长矛,而是驼队和善意;依靠的不是坚船和利炮,而是宝船和友谊。一代又一代“丝路人”架起了东西方合作的纽带、和平的桥梁。——《习近平谈治国理政》第一卷In China's Han Dynasty, around 130 BC, Zhang Qian, an imperial emissary, left Chang'an, capital of the Han Dynasty. He traveled westward on a _______1_________, and opened an overland route linking the East and the West, a daring undertaking which came to be known as _________2__________. Centuries later, during the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties, the Silk Road, by both land and sea, became increasingly busy. Great adventurers, including Du Huan of China, Marco Polo of Italy and Ibn Battuta of Morocco, left their footprints along these ancient routes. In the early 15th century, Zheng He, the famous Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, ______3________, a feat which is still remembered today. These pioneers won their place in history not as conquerors with warships, guns or swords. Rather, they are remembered as ________4________ leading camel caravans and sailing treasure-laden ships. Generation after generation, the Silk Road travelers ____________5______________.