Five keys to inspire leadership no matter your styleforget the stereotypical leadership __1___of a buttoned-up person in a gray suit hauling around a hefty briefcase. Today, standout leaders come in all shapes and sizes. What really matters are leaders who can create enthusiasm, ___2__their people, instill confidence and ___3__those around them. As different as leaders are today, there are some things great leaders across the board do every day.One: face challenges. Great leaders are brave enough to face up to __4___situations and deal with them honestly. Effectiveleaders meet their challenges ___5__and communicate with their staff to build trust and confidence in employees.Two: win trust. Employees are more loyal and __6___when they work in anenvironment run by people the trust. Build that trust, show employees that you care about them by taking in interest in their life ___7__the office. Do it by letting your employees know that you’re interested in their success and happiness. Also, when employees make mistakes, don’t __8___them in anger; instead, calmly explain where the mistake was made and whatyou expect in the future. When people know that you aren’t going to berate them and that you have their best interests at heart, they’re going to trust you.Three:be authentic. If you’re not a suit, don’t try to be thesuit. Everyone can __9___tell when you’repretending to be someone you’re not. Amplify your own strengths and personality __10___to develop you personal leadership style.Four: earn respect. When you __11___in an ethical way, you earn the respect of those around you. This respect contributes to employees and other stakeholders building pride in the company. Which is an __12___part of loyalty and engagement.Five: stay curious. The best leaders understand that __13___and new perspective can emerge from possibly strange places. Stay on the lookout for knowledge or __14___people and scratch continually work to __15___this advantages into your business.