
The capsule has the following characteristics

A. It can cover the bad smell of the medicine.
B. Compared with tablets and pills, the bioavailability is higher.
C. It can protect drugs from moisture, oxygen and light.
D. Aqueous solution or oil solution of drug can be made into capsule.
E. Delay drug release


The factors influencing the material mixing operation in the preparation process are

A. Particle size distribution
B. stack density
C. Particle surface state
D. Refractive index
E. flowabilit

The reason for the uneven mixing of compound powder may be

A. The proportion of drugs varies greatly.
B. Large size difference of powders
C. Improper mixing method
D. Similar density of drugs
E. Insufficient mixing time


A. 保持了汤剂吸收快、显效迅速的特点
B. 飞散性、吸湿性较散剂小
C. 加入多量蔗糖粉制成的颗粒剂可掩盖药物的苦味
D. 对小儿尤其适宜
E. 便于携带、运输和服用


A. 外观均匀度
B. 微生物限度
C. 粒度
D. 干燥失重
E. 装量差异
